Frequently Asked Questions

To download music, you simply click on the download button. A list of songs will be displayed for your to download. Click on the cloud icon in the download column to start downloading. Your download will begin.

For step by step instructions on how to download the music click here

To upload your music, you must have signed in/logged in. After you have signed in, go to your profile by clicking the profile link.  Under 'Upload Music' click on the microphone if you want to upload a song or click on the zipped folder to upload a zip folder/file. The zip file is reserved for those who want to upload albums as opposed to individual files.

For step by step instructions on how to upload music click here

There are three options available for registration, namely, from the home page you may choose whether you are a musician, fan or partner. After you have chosen the option that best describes you, then you may click on the corresponding button to register, a registration form will be opened for you to complete your details.

Alternatively, you may choose the sign up button to register and then the registration form will open for you to complete. To see a step by step depiction of how this is done you may click here

You have to be logged on to be able to delete a song. To delete a song, simply click on the recycle bin along side the song you want to delete and the song will be deleted. 
For a step by step instruction click here

This option is currently available only to musicians who want to register their song in South Africa, you do not necessarily need to be South African to register your song.

To be able to apply for music licensing, you need to have registered an account as a musician, DJ, Vocalist etc. You also need to upload the song that you want to license and click on '+' under license song. It will take you through to song options page. On the options page click on the 'BUY NOW' button on the R150 (South African Rands) option and provide your full details if you have not done so already. These details are required by SAMRO and as such are required before your complete the licensing.  Click on Submit button. 

To see a step by step depiction of how this is done, you may follow this link.

After you have uploaded your music, you can share the download link with your fans on various platforms, namely, Facebook, Whatsapp, Email and Twitter or simply copy the link and share on your favourite platform. For step by step instruction, follow this link